To all persons who have any houses, lands, tenements, farms, ships, vessels, goods, wares or merchandises to be sold or let, may have the same inserted at a reasonable rate. North Huron Publishing, 405 Queen St., Blyth for particulars.
Articles For Sale
WINCO Generator. 540 PTO, 50kw, 208 amp, continuous. Phone 519-526-7521 or 519-441-2642.
Snowmobiles. 2004 550cc Polaris Edge 136 Fan cooled Touring; 2005 550cc Polaris Classic Fan cooled; 2010 F570cc Arctic Cat Fan cooled. Call David in Glencoe at 519-287-3013.
GERBERS FIREWOOD SERVING you for over 20 years. Your number one source of quality slabwood and bodywood. Delivery available. No Sunday calls. 519-274-1236, 519-441-2085.
FROZEN HOME-COOKED MEALS at Maitside! Varieties are; Roast Beef, chicken, turkey, meatloaf, ham, lasagna.... Order 5 home-baked fruit pies, get 1 mini-pie FREE! 23 OrchardLane, Brussels. 519-835-0327
REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. All are in colour. 4x6 - $5.00, 5x7 - $6.00, 8x10 - $10.00. Phone to order 519-523-4792 or email
THE CITIZEN IS AVAILABLE TO purchase at these locations - Auburn Esso, Belgrave Variety, Blyth Food Market, Blyth Variety, Blyth Ultramar, Brussels Foodland, Brussels Variety, Charlie’s Variety (Clinton), Clinton Convenience, Fogal's YIG (Wingham), Seaforth Foodland, Fincher's (Goderich), Goderich Victoria St Shell, Goderich Petro-Canada Gas Bar, and The Citizen office in Blyth.
Coming Events
AUBURN AND DISTRICT LIONS Club St. Patrick's Breakfast at the Auburn Community Hall, Sunday, Mar. 9, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Adults $15, Children $6, Preschool free. Maple syrup supplied by Robinson Maple Products. Eggs supplied by Huron County Egg Farmers. Proceeds for Community Betterment. We Serve.
SHROVE TUESDAYPancake and sausage supper, at Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, March 4, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $17.50, children 12 and under $8, under 5 FREE. Eat-in only. Enjoy: pancakes, The Beefway farmer’s sausage, maple syrup, apple sauce, pie, fruit and beverage. Gluten free available.
PANCAKE SUPPER March 4, Shrove Tuesday pancakes,with Anglican expertise at Brussels United Church. Come enjoy this tradition from 4:30 to 7 pm. You're invited to the World Day of Prayer March 7th at 2 pm at Brussels United Church.
Help Wanted
Supreme Concrete Forming, Blyth is looking for help starting in April. Enquiries please call Mike 519-525-8546.
In Memoriam
HALEY - Brian Haley, April 17, 1957 - March 3, 2019
The world changes
from year to year,
our lives from day to day,
But the love and
memory of you
shall never pass away.
Missed by Mom and Paul
Post Abortion Healing. Are you suffering from the emotional aftermath of an abortion? For support and healing please call Project Rachel at their confidential number 1-888-355-1110.
Looking for land to rent - KTM Family Farms is a progressivefarm operation using the latest in agricultural technology. We have been in the Wingham area for 25 years and are looking to expand our land base. Interested in rental or share crop agreements. To discuss further give Scott a call or text 519-276-7171
• Free ad up to 25 words, person to person only (no businesses), items valued at $1,000 or less. Price must be included in your ad.Your ad will run three times unless it sells faster! • The Citizen reserves the right to limit the number of items or ads per person.
FREE FOR THE TAKING - Upright piano originally came from the Presbyterian Church in Clinton, and was moved to First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth. Call 519-482-5762. 03-7
WANTED - Piano keyboard suitable for a young person. Preferably in the Wingham area. 519-357-2768. 03-7