2023 - what a year! - Shawn Loughlin editorial
Preparing a review of the year that was is standard operating procedure for the first issue back here at The Citizen. Not only is it nice to look back, but it’s something that can be prepared ahead of time, allowing the hard-working editorial team to indulge in a well-earned holiday break. Should I have set up a “Look Behind The Curtain” warning for that statement, kind of like a “Spoiler Alert”?
“Hey Loughlin,” you may be screaming into this fine newspaper, “sure, we all like the year in review, but what we want - NAY NEED - is a year in review focusing on you personally!” Well, scream no more you hoarse weirdos. I’ll write it, you’ll read it, so, let’s do this.
The year for me started on Jan. 1 after a fun, thrilling New Year’s Eve countdown. I was, of course, asleep, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. There’s just no stopping the relentless steam roller of time - everyone knows this.
Soon thereafter, we interviewed people for a position at this paper. Scott impressed us and so we hired him. Furthermore, in one fell swoop, the company doubled its Stephenson complement - a goal clearly laid out in North Huron Publishing’s most recent strategic plan.
On Scott’s first day, I had to on-board a new employee for the first time in over a decade, watch a four-and-a-half-hour North Huron budget meeting and then write a story on said meeting. What a glorious day it was. I took a quick break to climb up to the roof of our office building that day, you know, to get some air. Nice. Don’t worry - it’s not dangerous. I don’t even think a two-storey fall could finish the job anyway - not that I’ve Googled that.
It’s hard to imagine that things could get any better, but they did. In early February, I took a week of vacation. I stayed up all night at one point, Jess had COVID-19 and we lived on different floors of The Loughlin Compound for a few days. Jess said she was tired, having given birth to our son Cooper that week, but I was really tired too - not that she ever asked.
It should be noted, however, that while Jess is clearly very inconsiderate, Cooper is not. He followed in his sister’s footsteps of arriving in the world at a very convenient time. Tallulah came very early on a Saturday morning and Cooper came on a Wednesday night after we had just laid out The Citizen for the week. Like a Christmas tip for your garbage men, it’s not required, but it’s certainly appreciated. Always tip your garbage men, people. Though new at the time, Scott (with the help of the team here) would have been fine without me, but still, it was nice for Coop to take that into account.
Fast-forward a few months and, in June, our little girl turned three years old. Where did the time go? We went to great lengths to find the most special and personal birthday cake for her. It was covered in Oreos (her favourite) and she loved it didn’t touch it! Admittedly, we were surprised, but perhaps she didn’t want to spoil her appetite, as she filled up on puddle water and leaves from our garden later.
I ate a few great meals - Restaurant Pearl Morissette in May, Hexagon in July, Elora Mill in August and Prime Seafood Palace in October - saw a Dan Climan art show and got to see Nick Cave perform at Massey Hall.
And now, here we are in January **Look Behind The Curtain: I wrote this in December so it was ready when we came back** and I think that’s about it. What a thrilling year it’s been. I mean, you guys know, you just read all about it. What a thorough, detailed account.
It was a great year. A year of change, growth and the love of a family. Plus, it’s nice to have that Stephenson doubling off of the to-do list. Do you have any idea how hard that was?